The downhill continued and by the time i reached Riobamba, it was time to peel off some more layers of clothes. Jo, a friend from France whom i had met in Indonesia, sent me the contact details of Borja, a friend of his in town. I ventured through town to find a place that could weld my bottle cage and to get my trousers stitched, before i headed to the house where Borja and Nathalie live.
They had a spare room they could offer me, and after settling in, eating a fruit salad and taking a shower, we went out to the park for some slacklining. From the park one can see, on a clear day at least, the three vulcanoes in the area: Chimborazo, Tungurahua and Altar. Vulcan Tungurahua is better viewed from Baños, but the outbursts of smoke and ashes looked impressive from the distance as well.
Borja on the slacky slackline.
As much as i like my stove while travelling, it is nice to prepare food in a proper kitchen. We bought some mushrooms and other stuff which i usually don’t carry with me while biking and made a feast complete with a bottle of wine back at the house.
And since in the last post, there is only little to be seen of chimborazo, here another picture of Borja cycling past it a couple of days later to better weather and viewing conditions…
While blazing the trail to Salinas and then some descent of 4000 meters towards the coast. Thank you Borja and Nathalie for a great time and a relaxing evening.